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Who's feastwithdrish anyway?

When I was young, I would spend my time reading the food and travel magazines that my mother stacked in some corner of the house, risking the whole pile falling to ‘see’ another country. I was already in love with the little I knew about the world – I mean did you know that the word curry doesn’t exist in any of the Indian languages, it’s just something that the Brits came up with. These tidbits of information tucked themselves away in the underbelly of my brain and surfaced now and then –  so when I discovered years later that the Tamilians call their gravy dish khari, I was like oh, curry makes sense now. Fast forward to today, I work a job in the Tech space where everything is concisely fit into very definite modules, nobody has the time to discuss alternate realities here for sure, but you know where everyone has all the time in the world? The internet. is my treasure trove of intangible artefacts. It’s a collection of food stories and recipes. But fret not, I’ve written them simply assuming all of us to be rookies. And since it goes both ways, if you do get around to trying them, please tell me about it. You can reach me on or drop a comment on one of the pages but let it be known that this isn't a slam book.  


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