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Knotted Cinnamon Buns + About Sweden's Fika

Updated: May 27, 2021

These buns are: Soft. Buttery. Musky.

Sweden has a custom that goes by 'Fika' which at the surface stands for a coffee break but really is a wholesome ritual that the Swedes swear by. Most of us look at grabbing coffee as a way to recharge our zonked selves but Fika embraces the need to slow down and appreciate the good things in life while you drink coffee and eat a baked good, alone or in company. The ritual has become something that is naturally woven into everyday life and so, it is normal to take two Fikas on a regular workday—you will see people bringing in their baked confections and discussing business. Fika is a conscious effort to leave individual work behind to 'be' in the moment with those around you, it really does bring to the table what the Swedes stand for: to live a balanced life and to seek happiness in everyday things. “Ska vi Fika?” (Let’s fika?) also applies to personal life where one can fit in Fikas whenever they like without an agenda—a bumping into a friend Fika, an introspective Fika or a getting to know your neighbours Fika; nothing moves without Fika.

Make yourself a little Fika with these ambrosial buns.

Braided Cinnamon Buns

Braided Cinnamon Buns

Makes 5 buns; all ingredients except the yeast can be doubled to make a large batch

For the dough

2 tsp instant yeast

5 tbsp sugar

½ cup warm milk

2 cups all purpose flour

¼ tsp salt

¼ cup melted butter

Oil for greasing

For the filling

2 tbsp softened butter

cup brown sugar

2 tbsp powdered cinnamon


1. To activate yeast, add warm milk, sugar and yeast into a bowl and let rise for 10 minutes.

2. Get another bowl, and sift flour and salt into it. Give it a quick mix and pour in melted butter and the yeast mix. Using a spoon, combine the ingredients until a dough begins to form. On a clean surface, dust some flour and work the rest of the dough into a ball using your hands. Knead, stretch and fold gently for 10 minutes.

3. Grease a bowl with oil and place the dough into it. Rub some oil on the dough. Cover and let rise for 2 hours or until it has doubled in size.

4. Once the dough has risen, punch and rework the dough for a few minutes on a dusted surface. Begin to roll the dough into a square with 1 inch thickness using a light sprinkling of flour when required.

5. To make the filling, combine powdered cinnamon, butter and brown sugar. Mix well until you are left with a creamy and spreadable mix.

6. Spread the mix all over the dough gently. It’s okay if the layer is thin, this will make folding easier. It’s important that the mix is spread evenly.

7. Begin to fold the top 1/3rd inwards and the remaining portion at the bottom over the folded top. This is called a tri fold.

8. Shift the dough 180° or bring the smooth curved longer side of the dough opposite to you. Divide and cut into 5 equal strips, vertically.

9. Take a strip and cut into three vertically, leaving 2 cm of space at the top. Begin braiding and roll the strip inwards. Place into a cupcake mould. Repeat this for the remaining 4.

10. Cover and let these proof in the cupcake mould for 15 minutes.

11. Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 180°C for 15 minutes.

12. Brush the buns lightly with milk and bake for 30-35 minutes.

13. Serve warm. Best eaten with tea or coffee me thinks.


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